11 JAN / 15 FEB

Hanneke van den Boomen (1958-2022) was a versatile artist from Eindhoven. Critical and with a strong sense of justice, she wanted to create, inspire others and live authentically. She loved music, nature and people. Everything Hanneke encountered or received, she processed in one way or another in music, drawings and paintings. Ancient peoples, Gregorian music, abstract art, the state of the world, domestic violence, love, grief and finally her illness and approaching death found their way into her art.

Curated by Woody Veneman, the exhibition Tendroomstelling is a retrospective of this Eindhoven-based composer, poet and visual artist. Commissioned by the Gehannes Foundation, Salon Veneman presents a selection from her rich archive. This collection of drawings, paintings, installations and poems - arranged according to three main themes - provides a visual and poetic insight into the inner world of this extraordinary woman.

Doors open
26 Jan 14:00 - 18:00
8 Feb 14:00 - 18:00